Donate & Sponsor
Please Help Us Plant A Sustainable Copper Beech Boundary at our NEW National Training Centre
Our Assistance dogs are provided free of charge to their disabled partners.
YOU make this possible.
Disability can lead to isolation, loss of confidence and feelings of low self-esteem. For many people living with a disability, being unable to do even a simple task, can leave them feeling depressed, isolated and dependent. Our assistance dogs are specially trained to assist physically disabled children and adults with everyday tasks and help children with severe walking difficulties and adults with early-onset Parkinson’s to walk with greater ease and balance.
We depend entirely on donors like you because we receive NO annual government funding.
Thank you for your support
Please support us with a € Donation today
*Please note Irish Revenue’s Charitable Donation Scheme allows tax relief on qualifying donations made to approved bodies of which Dogs for the Disabled is one. If an individual donates €250 or more in one year to Dogs for the Disabled, we can claim a refund of tax paid on that donation.
Sponsor A Puppy
Leave Us A Legacy
Why Your Donation is So Important to Us
Each of our very special assistance dogs costs €15,000 to raise, train and care for over a lifetime. These highly trained and accredited assistance dogs are provided to disabled partners FREE of charge. We have a very strict policy that no money passes hands for any of our dogs, for any specific child or adult.
This is to ensure we retain legal ownership of each dog, which enables us to maintain their welfare and also so that beneficiaries receive their dog based on NEED and not the ability to pay.
85% of our applicants are children living with a physical disability and the difference one of our highly trained assistance dogs makes is priceless.